Saturday 10 December 2022

How and why the younger generation of today don’t respect their elders may it be parents or others


How and why the younger generation of today don’t respect their elders may it be parents or others

We were raised in an environment where the elderly were very much respected, not spoken to as if they were children or treated as if they are a burden.  But now in an environment where this is not the case, and very much want to be a good example and gently teach the people around us not to treat their elderly relatives like pieces of furniture.  They are missing out on so much wisdom and advice.  We wish we could find a way to educate and illuminate, hopefully.

Well, we think the question is more "how can we teach people to treat elders with respect?"

The best way to remind them is about a time they were sick or embarrassed about themselves or nervous?  Well did they get treated like a person or like an object? Remember that just because you age, feelings don't change. Remember that fear? Made you feel like you were a human being? Well, elders feel exactly these same feelings.

Remember the last time you were heartbroken? How was it? Did you like it? Feeling rejected is not easy right? Now imagine if everyone rejected you because you looked a certain way?

Respect also goes for racism? Do you think people should treat others differently because of the color of their skin? What if they treated you differently because of your appearance? What if people made assumptions about you or thought your contributions weren't valuable because of how you look? How would that make you feel?

What do people miss by not respecting their elders? Well, respect is a way that you show people that they love them.

We need to respect elders as we must not forget all they did for us also the age factor is there as tomorrow we too will age!!

We need to respect elders as we must not forget all they did for us also the age factor is there as tomorrow we too will age!!

Advice for the Younger Generation:

What is the best and most respectful way to reason with elderly people when they are being unreasonable? : Explain to them in a subdued voice instead of in a retaliating manner and do not argue as it makes matters worse and indulges in being hurt.  If the arguments get high then it is best to avoid the discussion for the time being till matters cool down.

What do people miss by not respecting their elders? Well, respect is a way that you show people that you love them.

We need to respect elders as we must not forget all they did for us also the age factor is there as tomorrow we too will age!!

“Life is a tide; float on it. Go down with it and go up with it, but be detached. Then it is not difficult.”  Prem Rawat 

Parsan Narang
10th December 2022

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